
Women's Leadership Project SUCCESS

This Erasmus+ project aims to provide women with the necessary competencies, boost their self-confidence, and help them acquire new skills by promoting gender equality in decision-making.

The project’s partners set three specific goals. The first is to expand the network of cooperation between the national Olympic committees, thus creating a platform for the development of sustainable national sports management programs and mentoring systems for future women – sports leaders. The second is to educate and train women who are already involved in decision-making or hold lower-level positions in decision-making sports structures, to prepare them for more responsible positions. The third goal is to help understand the concept of gender mainstreaming which means that the principle of gender equality must apply at every step in the development and implementation of public programs.

Nearly 50 participants from 6 organizations took part in a week-long intensive leadership course in Rome (2016) and Paris (2017). They put the theoretical knowledge gained into practice in their organizations.

The project was jointly implemented by the Olympic committees of France, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, and Lithuania. Eight women from Lithuanian cycling, waterboarding, motorsports, field hockey federations, and the Lithuanian Aeroclub participated in the project.

Participant feedback:

“From the very beginning of this project, I started applying the acquired knowledge in the federation. We changed the federation’s management procedure, adopted new statutes, started to prepare strategic activity plans, are setting up a marketing plan and creating a product that is attractive to sponsors”, Renata Burbulienė, Secretary General of the Lithuanian Automobile Sport Federation.

“In my professional life, I face management, leadership, and other challenges daily. During the meetings and practical tasks with sportswomen from other countries, I got to know the different styles of management of financial and human resources in the sports industry, learned how priorities, strategic and tactical goals are set, and how the budget is planned in sports federations and other organizations”, Rasa Ališauskienė, Secretary General of the Lithuanian Cycling Federation.

Project duration: 2016-2017

For more information, please see: http://www.success-leadership.eu/