When? February 6-18, 1968
Medals won? 0

Grenoble 1968

About the Games

A total of 1158 athletes from 37 countries participated in Grenoble Winter Olympics. They competed in 35 events.

Most medals won (from a total of 15 teams) by: 1. Norway – 14 (6, 6, 2), 2. USSR – 13 (5, 5, 3), 3. France – 9 (4, 3, 2).

Interesting facts

Gender tests for women and doping controls for both men and women were introduced for the first time in Olympic history.

The Grenoble Games were the first to be broadcast in color.

Due to the high number of competitors, the figure skating events at started 6 AM, 6.30 AM or 7 AM.

For the first time, separate teams for East Germany and West Germany entered the Games. Morocco appeared at the Winter Olympics for the first time.

French Jean-Claude Killy won all the three Alpine skiing events – slalom, giant slalom, and downhill.

Biathlon 4 x 7.5 km relay made its debut.

The Grenoble Games were the first to feature a mascot – a stylized skier Schuss, although it was unofficial.

For the first time in the ski jumping event a 100 m distance was covered (by the USSR’s Vladimir Belousov and Czechoslovakia’s Jiri Raska).

Grenoble 1968 Winter Olympic Games


Grenoble 1968 Winter Olympics website:


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